Therapy for Women

“We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known.”
-Brené Brown

You’re struggling to hold it all together.

Everyone in your life looks to you for support, and you’re always there when they need you.

But who’s there to return that support when you’re the one in need?

You are the nurturer, the caretaker, the partner, the mother, and the friend for everyone else – but no one fills those roles for you.

And you’re too busy filling everyone else’s cup to remember to fill your own.

Drained, Depleted, Defeated

No matter what you do, it’s never enough. Constantly giving all of yourself to others when you have no one to help you recharge has left you with little to give.

When people ask you how you do so much, you can’t give a solid answer – because even you don’t know how you keep going each day.

Deep down, you’re painfully aware of one frightening reality.

You can’t keep this up much longer.

You desperately need to receive and know the same love and care you constantly give others, but it feels like a pipe dream.

You even feel a tinge of resentment when you hear someone talk about “self-care.”

Self-care? How are you supposed to do that?!?!

You have neither the time nor the know-how to go from where you are now to where you wish you could be.

It isn’t easy to trust – even yourself.

There is a disconnect, a lack of trust, and uncertainty – and it’s been there for a very long time. You know your life needs to turn a corner, but when faced with the possibility of change, you freeze.

Constant mental chatter keeps you from being fully present. You second guess yourself at every turn. You want to move forward confidently and have clarity in your direction.

You question your intuition and overthink everything! Self-doubt prevents you from taking important steps forward in your life. Sinking in the quicksand of indecision, you are often completely overwhelmed.

Step into your wise, strong adult.

Starting therapy could be the first step toward fulfilling a deep desire in your life: putting yourself first.

Whether this is your first time in therapy or you’re a seasoned pro, I’ll work with you wherever you are – to find healing for these pain points in your life.

Using an integrative approach of traditional psychotherapy, closed eye processing, and hypnotherapy, we’ll find healing at the core of your being and allow your process to unfold in a safe and sacred space.

It’s an amazing feeling to know there’s a strong and wise adult in the driver’s seat – someone there to protect you and keep you safe on your journey.

This is the strong, wise adult within you – ready to take this leap of faith.

Allow yourself to receive!

As a woman always giving to others, this may feel like a rare opportunity to allow yourself to receive support and be held in a safe container as you do this work.

I’m here to guide and hold space for your journey as you take each step toward living out your fullest expression.

You are more powerful than you know!

Call me today for a free 15-minute consultation.

Rediscover your authentic self and find your voice.