Individual Therapy

“The wound is the place where light enters you.”

You’ve reached a jumping-off point.

You’re sick of “telling your story” – and unsure whether therapy will even help at this point.

A part of you has become numb to everything. You’ve been through a lot in your lifetime already, and you think it will take at least ten sessions to “break the ice.”

So many painful emotions have brought you to this point. They seem overwhelming at times. If you’re honest, you do everything you can to avoid really feeling them. You’re scared that you no longer can get through.

You need a life raft – because you’re drowning.

Disconnected and Unfulfilled

Even in a crowded room, you couldn’t feel more alone. You crave deep connection – but your relationships have been mostly unfulfilling.

Putting yourself out there has resulted in more pain and made you feel misunderstood.

You feel a deep sense of disconnection – from even yourself.

How did you get here?

It’s easy to blame yourself and overthink everything.

You know you’re far from reaching your potential in life because a cycle of anxiety and procrastination keeps you stuck and spinning your wheels.

You desperately want clarity and direction in life. You want to move beyond what’s limiting you and become confident in your direction.

Hope and healing await you!

Through our work together, you’ll gain greater clarity and profound insights that will help you move through difficult emotions at the root cause of your pain. You’ll discover the patterns holding you back from reaching your highest potential and find healing within.

Using an integrative approach of traditional psychotherapy, closed eye processing, and hypnotherapy, I’ll walk with you as you experience healing at the deepest level and carry this into all aspects of your life.

The source of happiness has always been within you!

Step into a heart-centered life.

It’s time to find healing and release old wounds – to release the patterns that are repeating in your life and only causing you more pain.

It takes courage to name those patterns, explore the hidden shadows, and finally stop giving them power over your life. I’m here to hold a safe space for you – so you can uncover and release the old survival styles that once kept you safe but are now standing in your way.

As we clear the debris away, you will find clarity and purpose like never before.

Call me today for a free 15-minute consultation.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!