Birth & Childhood Trauma

You’ve disconnected to cope.

You’ve distanced yourself from your experiences and disconnected from your early years.

When you think about your childhood, you can barely remember it, even the good times.

You’ve insulated yourself from feeling the pain of your trauma as you move through the world. It’s the only way you know how to survive.

You numb the pain with drugs and alcohol or keep yourself so busy and distracted that you don’t have to think or feel at all.

These tactics aren’t just coping mechanisms.

They are essential skills to ensure your survival and prevent you from completely unraveling.

If you are honest with yourself, you are afraid to feel and process the emotional pain because you doubt your strength and resilience.

Attempts to insulate yourself from the pain do not remove the cause of that pain, no matter how hard you avoid it. The coping strategies that used to get you by are no longer working in your life – they have become a liability.

There are a lot of missing pieces.

For as long as you can remember, you’ve felt different, isolated, or like “something is missing.” However, you can’t piece together the puzzle or pinpoint why you feel this way.

You are tired of feeling “sick and tired” but don’t know where to begin when healing these persistent thoughts and emotions.

You want clarity and greater understanding so you can free yourself from this cycle of feeling “incomplete.”

You are ready to do the deep work, whatever it takes. A feeling of safety and wholeness is your greatest wish.

Learn to love and nurture the inner child.

As you step forward into healing childhood trauma, painful experiences, and emotional turmoil of your past, you also step into self-compassion and healing for that little one that you once were. As they begin to feel entirely safe and unconditionally loved, profound healing takes root.

Your experiences may take on new meaning as you find a sense of internal security like never before.

The feeling of unconditional self-love can become a regular part of your reality when it was once only a distant possibility.

As you release painful emotions in a safe container, you realize they no longer hold power over your life.

You are not alone on this journey.

I am here to walk beside you as you heal the wounds of your childhood and find freedom from your past.

Healing is possible! You are powerful, resilient, and worthy.

Please call (616) 591-4442 for a free 15-minute consultation. I am looking forward to connecting with you on this sacred journey.