Addiction Recovery Support

You got sober. Now what?

You’ve overcome your addiction to alcohol or other substances – but now, you’re left with what remains.

In many ways, getting sober was the best thing that’s ever happened to you. It solved many of the problems that active addiction had caused in your life.

But, in other ways, it’s magnified your character flaws and other shortcomings because you’re now experiencing life sober.

Sobriety is definitely better, but…

Long-term sobriety has its benefits, and you’ve experienced many of them. You’ve found your spiritual connection and changed your life in many ways.

Yet, you feel… stagnant.

You’ve realized you’re ready for the next layer of healing. A deeper healing.

The painful issues that remain haven’t resolved themselves simply by putting down the drink or the drug.

You don’t like alcohol’s role in your life.

You know you drink more than you should, but you’ve never considered yourself an alcoholic.

Yet, your drinking is interfering with living an abundant and joyful life. You look forward to every weekend, only for that escape.

All of your friendships revolve around alcohol – and you’re missing out on the deeply satisfying relationships you crave.

You want clarity – regardless of whether you’ve ever had an addiction. The strong, wise adult within you wants to take back control of your life – and look closer at anything that isn’t serving your highest good.

The Recovering Perfectionist

You have accomplished much in your professional life, but maintaining the appearance of “having it all together” is exhausting.

Meanwhile, your home life is in shambles. Your partner says you think you’re better than everyone else. Deep down, you feel “less-than.” You’re certain everyone would leave you if they really knew the truth.

Your inner critic constantly nags you to do better, try harder, and maintain the façade of perfection. You don’t want to disappoint anyone, but you know you can’t maintain this pedestal forever.

It’s a lonely place to be.

Busy all the time, the endless to-do lists keep you distracted from your painful emotions – but you’d prefer not to feel them, anyway.

They’re just too overwhelming right now – so you procrastinate. You put off your healing for another day.

That’s why I’m here.

Allow your healing to unfold.

As someone who has overcome addiction personally, I hold your struggles with compassion and grace.

Whether you’re seasoned in sober living or just beginning to explore how addictive behavior is affecting your life, I can help you move toward greater clarity and freedom.

If your intuition is calling you to take the next step, don’t wait.

You deserve all the healing available to you – and a life full of abundance and a deeper connection to self await!

We can discuss what your individualized treatment plan would look like and answer questions you have.

Call (616) 591-4442 for a free 15-minute consultation.