Transform Your Life
Step into Self-Compassion and Healing

Holistic Psychotherapy Online and In-Person in West Michigan

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Here, again!

Flipping through the latest Netflix releases, you search endlessly for the next “binge-worthy” series to numb you out for the rest of the weekend. This routine has been your default for far too long.

You know all the things you are “supposed” to be doing. You’ve tried meditation, yoga, spending time in nature, but you feel stuck and unable to move forward in your life.

A sense of overwhelm or shame has crept back into your awareness.

You’ve had glimmers of the life you want before. You know it is possible, but it always seems just out of reach.

Your past is holding you back.

Sitting across from your romantic partner, another argument ensues, and a sense of abandonment washes over you. You wonder if there is something wrong with you. The relationships you sincerely long for have always seemed so elusive.

Your partner reaches out to touch you, and you feel your whole body tense up. The feeling of not being “enough” is ever-present. It keeps you from feeling connected and safe. There is a deep desire to release the painful emotions and heal from these experiences.

You wonder if you will ever feel truly free of the past and fulfilled in your relationships.

You feel disconnected.

The alarm clock is going off again, and you hit the snooze button for the fourth time in a row – another day at a soul-sucking job. You feel a sense of dread throughout your entire body as you think about the day ahead of you.

A nagging emptiness is there, even when things are going well from an outside perspective. You have the job, the house, and the things you are “supposed to have”; yet there is a feeling of disconnection from even yourself.

It is a struggle to trust yourself and your intuition. You feel like an observer in your own life. There is a longing for belonging, community, and connection, but you aren’t sure how to get there.

A feeling of safety and security within yourself and your life path is your greatest wish.

Hope and healing are waiting for you!

Transformation is possible.

Lasting healing is possible.

You can choose to step into a fully connected, authentic, and joyful life.

Sometimes, we all need a little help along the way!

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Hi, I’m Rachel.

There is a longing to reconnect to yourself, heal from the past, and release what is holding you back from the life you desire.

Allow me to facilitate your process by holding space to feel fully seen in your wholeness and heard in speaking your truth.

I will walk beside you each step of the way toward lasting change and transformation.

You do not have to take this journey alone!

As someone who has experienced profound transformation and healing in my own life, I hold deep empathy for your lived experiences.

My role is to serve as a guide and a channel to your unfolding as you experience the transformation that can only occur from within.

Through our work together, the past will take on new meaning. Previously painful feelings will become an empowering part of your story.

There will be a newfound hope for the future and all your infinite possibilities.

You begin to feel alive and present like never before – confident as you step into your personal power and authentic expression.

More About Me

Are you ready to embrace your fears and live joyfully?

Contact me today for a free 15-minute consultation. You will be so glad you did.

Let’s Talk

What I Offer

Individual Therapy
for Adults

for Women


What People Are Saying

“I highly recommend hypnotherapy sessions with Rachel! Her guidance and support allowed me to tap into energy blocks that were holding me back from reaching my highest potential. Her healing space is comfortable and inviting. I am grateful for her compassion, wisdom, and gentle spirit. Thank you, Rachel.”

– Jan C.

“Rachel has such a comfortable, calming, and clear presence. I was impressed with the way she connected fully and deeply with me. Hypnotherapy is an excellent tool to go into places that normally we may be unable to access and heal. I’d highly recommend you consider Rachel and her sessions!”

– Anna S.

“I appreciate all of your help working through some of my issues from the past. It feels very freeing, as if a load has been taken off my shoulders. There’s still more I have to do and I am confident I can move forward with courage, strength and knowing that I’ve built for myself along the way. I will “shine on” with my heart open! You are an excellent therapist who truly cares and it shows in every session.”

– Susan B.

“I had my first hypnotherapy session yesterday with Rachel, and WOW… I had no specific expectations as I’ve never delved into hypnosis in any way before. Rachel was warm, calming, and the experience of emotional release I had was extremely healing. I felt safe, relaxed, and left feeling empowered in ways I never have before. I highly recommend and trust Rachel! 💜”

-Autumn P.

“Rachel is absolutely magical at what she does. I left feeling renewed, confident and gained so much clarity for beliefs that held me back from reaching my highest potential. I had several breakthroughs in just one session! I am definitely going back. Thank you for what you do!”

– Hannah L.


Start living the life that is waiting for you.

You are worth it!

Contact Me Today!